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EPIGRAPHISCHE FORSCHUNGEN IN TERMESSOS UND SEINEM TERRITORIUM I (1991, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
EPIGRAPHISCHE FORSCHUNGEN IN TERMESSOS UND SEINEM TERRITORIUM II (1992, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
EPIGRAPHISCHE FORSCHUNGEN IN TERMESSOS UND SEINEM TERRITORIUM III (1994, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
EPIGRAPHISCHE FORSCHUNGEN IN TERMESSOS UND SEINEM TERRITORIUM IV (1996, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
NEUE INSCHRIFTEN AUS NORD-LYKIEN I (1992, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
This book deals with 15 new inscriptions discovered by the authors during epigraphic-historical geographical surveys carried out in North Lycia in 1990 on behalf of the Commission for Asia Minor of the Austrian Academy of Sciences with the financial support of the same institution. The inscriptions include one milestone with an honorific inscription, one letter, three honorific inscriptions for the deceased, one honorific inscription, four votive inscriptions, four funerary inscriptions, and one border inscription.
ANCIENT GREEK LITERATURE (1990, Remzi Bookstore Publications, out of print)
Ancient culture, which is rooted in respect for human beings and their virtues and values, has played an important role in the creation and shaping of Western Civilisation. Especially in the field of literature, the influence of ancient Greek and Latin literature is great. The works of these two literatures have inspired many modern writers in terms of form and subject matter, thus creating new masterpieces. Although most of the works of Ancient Greek Literature have been translated into our language, there are almost no general works written on this subject. This book presents Ancient Greek Literature to the readers by taking into account its historical perspective and structural development.
Ancient Greek language, a member of the Indo-European language family, is a highly rich ancient language that is divided into various dialects. For students and researchers of Ancient Greek-Latin languages and literatures, as well as those studying and researching fields such as Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, Greek-Latin Epigraphy, Ancient Philosophy, and Contemporary Greek, and also for those in disciplines like Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, where the Ancient Greek terminology is of great importance, dictionaries hold a special place in learning and using the language. In the Ottoman Period, not included in the education programs of Darülfünun, Ancient Greek was first taught at Ankara University Faculty of Language, History, and Geography, followed by Istanbul University Faculty of Literature, thanks to the foresight, desire, and initiatives of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk during the Republic Period. Today, Ancient Greek is taught as a mandatory or elective course at various universities in our country, primarily in the departments of Ancient Languages and Cultures of Ankara, Istanbul, Aegean, and Mediterranean Universities. Despite having approximately 70 years of history in our country, until now, no dictionary from Ancient Greek to Turkish has been published, except for the etymological dictionary titled “Kelimelerin Etymonu Esas Tutularak Tertiplenen Yunanca-Türkçe Sözlük” by Prof. Dr. Suat Sinanoğlu, published in 1953, now out of print. The Ancient Greek-Turkish Dictionary here, consisting of approximately 20,000 entries, is the result of a long-term effort and has been prepared primarily taking into account the needs of students, based on the experience gained by the author from the Ancient Greek classes she has been teaching at Istanbul University Faculty of Literature for many years. This dictionary, being a product of extensive work and being the first of its kind in our country both in terms of its purpose and scope, aims to contribute to filling a significant gap in the field of Ancient Greek studies.
HELLENISTIC AGE POETRY WITH EXAMPLES (2000, Archaeology and Art Publications)
In the Hellenistic Age, which constitutes the final period of Ancient Greek history (334-30 BCE), poetry, like many other branches of literature and science, focused on the city of Alexandria and gave rise to a movement known as “Hellenistic Age Poetry” or “Alexandrian Poetry.” This poetry, with a distinct character from the previous periods, is characterized by several fundamental features. These include the reflection of the prevalent “knowledge” of the era in poetry, an emphasis on human and daily life issues, the selection of themes that had not been explored in poetry before, and the emergence of entirely new genres such as bucolic poetry alongside traditional genres like epic poetry with a fresh perspective. The widespread use of epigramma, a form of poetry where various emotions are briefly conveyed in a few lines, is also a characteristic of this literary period. Among the poets of the Hellenistic Age, Kallimakhos is considered the most important representative of the new literary perspective of this period. Rhodian Apollonios, who transformed the fascinating story of the Argonauts’ sea journey to capture the “Golden Fleece” into an epic called Argonautica, and Theokritos, the creator of bucolic poetry, offering striking glimpses into rural life, especially the life of shepherds, are also prominent figures. The poetic works of the Hellenistic Age are particularly intriguing due to their individualistic nature, portrayal of unique emotions, and the inclusion of geographical, mythological, and ethnographic details, making them appealing to anyone interested in poetry. This book aims to address the lack of a comprehensive study in our language on the poetry of the Hellenistic Age, attempting to meet the need that arises from this absence and serve as a “first step” in this regard. Güler Çelgin’s work introduces readers to the enchanting world of Hellenistic Age poetry and its poets through selected poetic examples, providing an opportunity to savor the richness of this literary movement.
ALCIBIADES, ATHENIAN STATESMAN AND COMMANDER (1999, 2005, Archaeology and Art Publications)
The intriguing and eventful life story of the renowned Athenian commander and statesman Alcibiades, who is assumed to have been born around 450 BCE, left its mark on the period between 431 and 404 BCE, a time of intense power struggles between Athens and Sparta. Alcibiades, born into a noble family, gained prominence throughout his life due to his eloquence, sharp intellect, captivating physical beauty, spirited character that consistently thrust him into the limelight since childhood, arrogant behavior, love for extravagance, generosity, diplomatic prowess, superior leadership qualities, courage during wars, and boldness. Over time, he became an indispensable figure for the people of Athens. However, his achievements and dazzling fame also led him to acquire numerous enemies. Following a hastily made decision by the Athenians, Alcibiades found himself compelled to sever ties with his homeland. During the extended period filled with homesickness, he lived in Sparta and territories belonging to the Persian Empire, where he managed to establish himself, achieve significant success, but ultimately had to spend his final days away from Athens once again. This study aims to introduce Alcibiades, a prominent figure in ancient history, to the readers in our country, relying on information provided by important figures of the Ancient Era such as Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato, and Plutarch.
LIVING WORDS FROM ANCIENT GREECE (2003, Archaeology and Art Publications)
Aeschylus, Aesop, Alcidamas, Alcmeon, Amphidos, Antiphanes, Antiphon, Antisthenes, Apollonios, Aristippus, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Astydamas, Bias, Democritus, Demosthenes, Diogenes Laertius, Diphilus, Epicharmus, Epictetus, Epicurus, Euripides, Heraclitus, Herodotus, Hesiod, Hippocrates, Homer, Iamblichus, Isocrates, Chilon, Cleanthes, Cleobulus, Critas, Xenophanes, Xenophon, Lysias, Menander, Musonius, Pausanias, Periander, Phaeborinus, Phaedrus, Philemon, Phocylides, Pindar, Pythagoras, Simonides, Socrates, Solon, Sophocles, Stobaeus, Thales, Theages, Theognis, Theocritus, Thucydides, and Timocreon – words on death, luck, virtue, money, greed, flattery, beauty, women, marriage, love, praise, eloquence, laws, governance, military affairs, gods, friendship, equality, justice, lies, evil, entertainment, fame, pleasures, health, science, behavior, anger, advice, fate, experience, slander, pain, etc. – sayings that have not lost their validity even in today’s world.
PLATO: THE APOLOGY OF SOCRATES (2006; Veritas: 2015, 2017, Felsefe: 2015, 2016, 2018, Alfa Publications)
In the spring of 399 BCE, at the age of seventy, Socrates stands trial in Athens on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth. He defends himself by emphasizing that he presents himself “not with words but with deeds.” Refusing to read a skillfully crafted speech, pay a substantial fine that his students would cover, or spend his remaining days in exile, he willingly walks towards his death. The Apology is often criticized by commentators for lacking philosophical substance or even having very few philosophical ideas. However, the narrative presented above is merely the fictional framework of the Apology. Plato’s presentation of Socrates before the court is less about Socrates himself and more about the path he takes to reveal the truth. The methods of seeking truth are foundational elements of Socrates’ morality. In fact, the Apology offers a dialectical justification of dialectics. In Plato’s eyes, the accusation against Socrates and the method for which he died are one and the same. Socrates’ life and death demonstrate the success of this method.
PINDAR: COMPLETE VICTORY ODES (2015, 2023 [Expanded and Revised 2nd Edition] Yapı Kredi Publications)
Pindar (circa 518-438 BCE) is the Greek poet whose works have been best preserved among lyric poems, reaching us in the most intact form. The Complete Victory Odes constitutes the most extensive collection of this genre (epinikion) that we have access to. Pindar, belonging to a noble Theban family, gained fame during his time through a challenging poetic competition with his formidable rivals, Simonides of Ceos and his nephew Bacchylides. The brilliance of the dramatic elements heavily employed in his poems garnered great admiration and led to his poems becoming models for Latin poets such as Horace and Catullus. Although the myths used in his victory odes can be traced, the intense metaphorical language, the challenging style of poetic form, and the depth of aphorisms in his work require effort from the reader to fully appreciate the poems. The complexity added by the metaphorical richness, the demanding style, and the profound insights make it necessary for the reader to engage actively in understanding Pindar's victory songs.
NAMING AND TRUTH IN ARCHAIC GREECE (2015, Dergâh Publications)
If language is the abode of thought and expression is its rightful place, then names are the bricks. One cannot entirely trust their skill in building walls, yet they cannot refrain from arranging the bricks, even if makeshift. Each time, we name to define, to express our expectations, to elevate or criticize, and sometimes we rename. Whether naming a newborn, giving a nickname to a close friend, changing the name of a renowned street, we act as heirs to an intrinsic naming impulse. This ancestral legacy can be traced back to Archaic Greece with a cross-cultural perspective. The Greek poet, thinker, the common person on the street all engaged in naming to create a universal language that reflected their social life spread across the inhabited world of their time. They named their child, their street, the tool they invented, the work they created, the sacred and the secular – in short, everything. On the other hand, within the context of the pervasive culture of “competition” (agôn) that left its mark throughout Greece, this naming tendency acquired a particular style. The Greek poet utilized names as a specific mechanism to “praise” the victorious person. Pindar, with mastery, employed this mechanism to construct a poetic truth. Children growing up with Pindar’s verses, like Plato, revisited the connection between this truth and names in the Cratylus. If we are still captivated by the magic of the bricks we attempt to arrange today, it means we are under the influence of the voice of the poet that echoes in our ears.
Proclus is one of the final links in the chain of successors at Plato’s Academy, representing an almost thousand-year-old tradition. As recounted by his biographer Marinus, when Proclus first arrived in Athens, he visited the Acropolis, the abode of the goddess Athena, the protector of philosophy. The guardian at the door remarked, “Indeed, if you hadn’t come, I would have locked up here.” Born in 412 AD in Istanbul, Proclus grew up in Lycia and assumed the position at Plato’s Academy in Athens. His commentaries on Plato’s dialogues not only present a dazzling view of the Platonic tradition but also reflect the accumulated knowledge that has indirectly or directly permeated this tradition. This book holds a special significance as the only known and surviving commentary on Plato’s Cratylus. The fundamental questions about naming encountered in Cratylus transform into keys that open the door to Proclus’s onto-theology. The divine names about which Socrates speaks cautiously in Cratylus, become, in Proclus’s unrestrained interpretive practice, illuminating beacons revealing the mysteries of the universe.
Plato’s Cratylus is the starting point of philosophy of language, an inevitable reference for linguistics, and the text where dozens of questions about language are first articulated. As Plato refines the use of language within the labyrinths of Cratylus, one of the most popular debates in the intellectual circles of Classical Athens is unveiled: The Correctness of Names. Cratylus remains relevant with a series of unanswered questions that scrutinize the scientific, philosophical, and religious aspects of language. Just a few of these questions can be listed as follows: What makes a name correct? If names have correctness, is this correctness conventional or natural? What is the ground on which this correctness is based, meaning, or the words themselves? How can we ensure the commonality provided by the language we use in communication? Plato’s Cratylus is not a new presence for Turkish readers. However, the translation in this book claims to be the result of a meticulous examination of the original Greek text, reflecting a philological precision line by line, sometimes syllable by syllable, even letter by letter. This work emerges from a translation practice that strives not to lose the brilliance of experimental language acrobatics or etymological wordplay in the dialogue. While dazzling the reader’s eyes with brilliance, this spark of genius also illuminates the dark corridors of language, linguistics, and philosophy of language. The problematic field presented by Cratylus gains a somewhat clearer appearance with the comments in the second volume titled “Comments on Cratylus: A Philological and Hermeneutical Examination in the Context of the Physis-Nomos Opposition.”
Plato’s Cratylus is the starting point of the philosophy of language, an inevitable reference for linguistics, and the text where dozens of questions about language are first articulated. Plato's Cratylus is a brilliant, yet equally enigmatic dialogue. The atmosphere, intentionally created by Plato, is filled with secrets, from the systematicity of etymological research to the seriousness of the intention behind the explanations, from which side Socrates takes in the discussion to Plato’s deliberately concealed real ideas. The reader or translator attempting to lift this veil of secrecy cannot help but notice being repeatedly invited back into the depths of language. Perhaps Cratylus is precisely designed as a path leading to the impasse that answers to questions about language can only be sought within the language itself. The commentator walking this path benefits from the philologist's meticulous attention to the smallest details, while also being compelled to penetrate the cultural and philosophical context of the text. With such a two-pronged methodological approach, this examination aims to reveal the linguistic dimensions of the tension between nature-law (physis-nomos) in Classical Athens. Investigating a phonetic issue in the Greek language, a detail related to material culture, the historical development of the Greek alphabet, or the social memory underlying an idiomatic expression, the commentator realizes, each time, that they are walking the path of philosophy in the shoes of language. Walking on the path of language and inviting the reader onto the language path as well...
BACCHYLIDES: COMPLETE POEMS AND FRAGMENTS (2017, 2023 [Expanded and Revised 2nd Edition] Yapı Kredi Publications)
Bacchylides is considered one of the nine great names of ancient Greek lyric poetry by the scholars of the Library of Alexandria. As the nephew of Simonides and a contemporary of Pindar, he holds a place among these nine great poets. In contrast to the ornate style of his contemporary Pindar, who was his rival in writing epinikia (victory odes celebrating the winners of athletic competitions), the distinctive feature of Bacchylides’ poems is the simplicity and fluency of his language. This book brings together all of Bakkhylides' epinikia and dithyrambs (hymns to Dionysus sung during grape harvest festivals), as well as his poems in other genres and fragments.
This book is a poetry anthology, literally a “flower-collection” in the Greek sense of the word. The sacred fragrance of the “Homeric Hymns” mingles with the sharp aroma of satire from Archilochus, Semonides, and Hipponax. The reader, exhilarated by the military encouragements of Kallinos and Tyrtaeus, takes a breath in the refreshing verses of Solon or Xenophanes. In the ancient feasts of Theognis, the scents of longing love compete in the verses of Mimnermus, Sappho, Alcaeus, and Anacreon. Those who listen to this bouquet become intoxicated with the scent of myths told by Alcman, Stesichorus, and Ibycus. While Simonides, along with his nephew Bacchylides, presents the fragrances of Keos, Pindar competes with them using the unique blossoms of Thebes' expansive plains. The gentle fragrances of Korinna and Praxilla waft through their verses, and many unnamed poets represent themselves with their own scents. A journey through the scent-filled world of ancient Greece unfolds over 2750 years, spanning more than 300 years - this is Archaic Greek Poetry!
ARISTOPHANES: PLOUTOS (WEALTH) (2018, 2022 İş Bankası Culture Publications)
Aristophanes (c. 450 BC - c. 388 BC): There is little precise information about his life. Only eleven of the approximately forty plays he wrote have survived to the present day. Aristophanes, renowned for his witty and sharp language, was a master of the art of comedy, seamlessly blending all the subtleties of the comedic genre with the testimony of his time. Ploutos is Aristophanes’ last surviving work, and he personally supervised its production. Although Aristophanes typically mocked the problems of the city of Athens in his works, in Ploutos, he departs from this style and addresses the tension between the rich and the poor with a much more universal perspective. Despite his advanced age, the poet, who did not hesitate to renew his art in line with social changes, leads a new understanding of comedy with the staging techniques and language preferences he uses in his last two plays, Ploutos and Women in Parliament. Along with Women in Parliament, which is an example of the transition from Old Comedy to New Comedy, Ploutos heralds this change. Ploutos is translated into Turkish for the first time from its original Ancient Greek.
This book is a tribute to the valuable academician Prof. Dr. Güler Çelgin, who has made significant contributions to the world of science through her services to Istanbul University and the Faculty of Literature, as well as her mentorship of students and written works. The book, prepared in a spirit of gratitude, consists of various articles written by her students and colleagues. With a total of 44 articles, the book covers a wide range of topics, starting from the Early Bronze Ages of Anatolia to the Hittites, Ancient Greece, and Roman civilizations. While the articles provide insights into the languages, religions, mythologies, literature, and histories of these civilizations, the book also includes writings related to scientific fields such as Protohistory and Anatolian Archaeology, Hittitology, Ancient History, Classical Philology, and Greek Epigraphy.
- The Nature of the Quest of 17th Century Ottoman Thought and the Contributions of Yanyalı Esad Efendi, TÜBITAK 1003-Priority Areas R&D Projects Support Program, 2020 (Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erman Gören).
- Excavations and Restorations at the Church of St. Nicholas in Myra-Demre, Research Project, 2018 (Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erman Gören).
- Epigraphic Study and Inventory Work, Eskişehir, Kütahya, Afyonkarahisar, 2008, 2010, 2011 (Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erten).
- Research on Ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions at the Amasya Museum, 2008 (Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erten).
- Research on Ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions at the Museums of Samsun, Kastamonu, Çorum and Çankırı, 2009 (Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erten).
- Research on Ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions at the Museums of Kahramanmaraş ve Malatya, 2009 (Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erten).
- Epigraphic and Architectural Surveys at Termessos, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 (Researchers: Prof. Dr. Vedat Çelgin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erten, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Filiz Cluzeau).
- Epigraphic and Historical-Geographic Research Around Nallihan and Juliopolis, Research Project, 2014 (Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erman Gören).
- Epigraphic Survey in Eskişehir Province, 2021, 2022, 2023 (Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erten, Researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Filiz Cluzeau, Lect. Dr. Emel Karayel, Lect. Vicdan Taşçı).
- Plato’s Cratylus in the Contradiction between Physis and Nomos: A Philological and Hermeneutical Examination of Cratylus in the Framework of its Intellectual Background and Reception in Antiquity, Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (YADOP), 2015 (Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erman Gören).
- Apóllōn: An extended allusiveness of a divine riddle (Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (UDP), 2015 (Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erman Gören).
- Two Distinct Epinician Styles: Uniqueness of Poetic Expression in Bacchylides’ and Pindar’s Victory Odes, Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (UDP), 2013 (Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erman Gören).
- The Relations Between Name, Naming and Truth in Archaic Greek Poetry and (Re-)Naming in Pindar’s Victory Odes, Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects (Dissertation Project), 2013 (Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erman Gören).
- Aphrodisias Excavations, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (Researcher: Res. Asst. Özge Acar).
- Greek Theatrical Performances in Asia Minor in the Principatus Era: Roman Perspective and Imperial Policies. Doctoral Research Project (ARIT George Maxim Anossov Hanfmann Fellowship), 2020 (Coordinator: Res. Asst. Özge Acar).
- The Divine Names in Corpus Dionysiacum as the Mirrors of Being: The Dispositives for Seeing the Unseen. Postdoctoral Research Project (ARIT George Maxim Anossov Hanfmann Fellowship - TÜBITAK 2219), 2015-2016 (Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erman Gören).
- Epigraphic and Historical-Geographic Survey in Termessos, 1996-1997 (Researchers: Prof. Güler Çelgin, Prof. Vedat Çelgin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erten).
- Epigraphic and Historical-Geographic Survey in Eastern and Northeastern Lycia-Southwestern Pisidia, 1998-1999 (Researchers: Prof. Güler Çelgin, Prof. Vedat Çelgin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Erten).